Re-creation of barn truncated in early 1900’s

The proposal involvesthe conversion a pair of listed barns, the larger of which was truncated in the early part of the C20, leaving just two bays standing, one bay being unsympathetically converted in the 1960’s. We used the pre-application advice process, successfully making the case in favour of restoring the main barn to its original size on conservation grounds. This established that the proposal would be supported subject to further reports and studies, and the scheme is now progressing to a full application for planning and listed building consent.
The proposed design will create a substantial and attractive new dwelling from the main barn, with ancillary accommodation in the smaller barn. A key objective of the design was to leave the surviving bays of the main barn as open plan as possible, maintaining the visibility of the timber framing and the open character of the original barn, and placing the smaller, cellular spaces within the extension.

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01608 811 960